Super Absorbent Polymer AQUA KEEP
This polymer, manufactured by SUMITOMOSEIKA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD., has the ability to absorb water. It is utilized widely for hygiene products such as diapers and sanitary napkins, but also for industrial products such as water-swellable tape, medical waste and spill control.
The Super absorbent polymer (SAP) AQUA KEEP, manufactured by SUMITOMOSEIKA CHEMICAL CO., LTD., excels in absorbing water. It is utilized widely for hygiene products such as diapers and sanitary napkins, but also for industrial products such as water-swellable cables, as absorbent for medical waste and spill control.
The product line AQUA KEEP, a result of years of research and development of polymerization technologies, stands for a super absorbent polymer in unique form. Capable of absorbing water at several times to one thousand times of its dry weight, AQUA KEEP excels in absorption rate, gel strength and stability.
There are several grades of AQUA KEEP optimized for absorption of various liquids such as water, saline solution, urine, blood and sea water. What’s more, AQUA KEEP is excellent in its safety owing to a trace of its residual monomer content. The various grades of AQUA KEEP have different absorbing speeds. The optimum absorption rate can be selected for a particular application.
- AQUA KEEP absorbs water at several times to one thousand times of its dry weight. It retains most of the absorbed liquid, even under considerable pressure.
- AQUA KEEP is almost insoluble in water or in most solvents.
- AQUA KEEP is almost non-toxic.
- AQUA KEEP has a narrow particle-size distribution.
- AQUA KEEP boasts good flowability and can be scattered constantly by a feeder.
- AQUA KEEP maintains its good flowability even in highly humid environments.
- The advantages described above have led to AQUA KEEP’s use in an expanding range of applications. For example, it is used in
- personal hygiene products (diapers, napkins)
- Pet sheets
- absorbents for medical waste
- Water blocking tape
- Water Swellable tape
- Water swellable fiber
- water absorbents (including water-holding material, dewatering agents)
- anti-dewing agents
- rubbers or resins
AQUA KEEP as Water Sealant for Communication Cables
AQUA KEEP boasts a high rate of instantaneous water absorption (swelling height) under pressure and has been widely used for communication cables. In communication cables that lack a super absorbent polymer as a water sealant, any water leaking into the cable through a crack on the plastic sheath travels along the gaps between the cables, rapidly disrupting communications over a wide area. With waterproof communication cables, however, AQUA KEEP promptly swells as soon as water begins infiltrating. This swelling effectively blocks further water infiltration.
Please download product specification here.
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